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HSS Profiles: Israel Morales on Advancing Hospitality Careers

HSS has launched many individuals into fulfilling careers in hospitality.

Meet Israel Morales, the HHS Account Supervisor for Lansing, Michigan. In this video, watch Israel shares his personal experience working with HSS. Surprised to learn a whole new set of language within the hospitality industry, it’s helped him grow as a person and has improved the way he interacts with others.

“Key to moving up in this industry is showing up each day with a smile, a great attitude and willingness to learn and grow on the job.”

Like Israel, many front-line workers and housekeepers take advantage of the training opportunities offered by HSS to move up the career ladder. After working his way up to Account Supervisor, Israel wanted to expand his career into new markets outside of his home state of Michigan. He shared his vision with his management team and they are supporting and guiding him through the transition into new regions.

“Here at HSS, the more willing you are to apply yourself then the more opportunities you’re going to have.”

Every employee who walks in the door is considered part of the HSS family, and we invest in them by having regular career conversations and goal-setting sessions so we can ensure our staff achieves the professional growth they’re seeking.

To learn more about HSS and apply to join the team, click here.

Video Link: HSS Profiles: Israel Morales on Opportunities at HSS

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