HSS Sales Resource

Click on the links below to download sales bulletins and links that can be used as drop-offs, leave-hinds, or can be forwarded in an email.

The resource will be updated on a weekly basis.  Check for new material and remember to log any activity in sales force either in accounts or with contacts.

Bulletin: 2018 Survey on Hospitality Staffing

This is a one page bulletin on the 2018 HSS Survey. Use it as a drop-off to target accounts and to customers. Download here: bulletin_survey

Bulletin: Managers Guide to Hospitality Staffing

This is a one page bulletin on the Managers Guide to Hospitality Staffing. Use it as a drop-off to target accounts and to customers. Download here: Managers Guide to Staffing Strategy

You can also use this link to forward to prospects: https://www.hssstaffing.com/managerguide/

Bulletin: Ultimate Guide Morning Meetings

This is a one page bulletin on the Ultimate Guide to Morning Meetings. Use it as a drop-off to target accounts and to customers. Download here: UltimateGuide_Morning Meetings

You can also send this link to prospects: https://www.hssstaffing.com/morningmeetings/


Real Wage Calculator

This is a cost calculator that prospects can use to examine their true hourly wage when factoring in all fees, taxes, etc.