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Need to Attract Housekeeping Staff, Retain Talent, and Improve Quality?  You Need A Hospitality Staffing Guide!

Hospitality Staffing GuideWe’ve taken over 20 years of knowledge regarding hotel and resort staffing  and put it together in one handy Hospitality Staffing Guide to get you started on the pathway to a great hospitality strategy.

  • How do you calculate real hourly wages?
  • How can you maximize flexibility?
  • What are you full staffing options?

Hospitality is, more than most other industries, about people.  From housekeeping, to janitorial, to the front desk to food and beverage, a hotel or resort depends on people to maintain brand integrity.  Unlike a manufactured product, quality control cannot be automated and must be maintained constantly

Here are some key points in Hospitality Staffing Guide:

  • Building A Staffing Strategy
  • Why Hospitality is Different from Other Industries
  • Wage Strategy
  • Calculating the Real Cost to Staff
  • Working with Agencies
  • Staffing and Quality

Staffing is a complex part of management in hospitality.  As quality standards rise, talent pools shrink, and expectations of quality increase, hotel management is challenged to do what may feel like the impossible.  But a smart staffing strategy can help meet these challenges head-on and leverage partnerships to meet expectations and succeed.

Includes Staffing Strategy Worksheet

Use this sheet to outline some common goals needed from a staffing strategy.  Often, one goals leads to the next.  For example, to Increase Quality you may need to Reduce Turnover which may require using a Temp/Perm Staffing solution.  This cascade of goals is not uncommon and is the basis for creating a Hospitality Staffing Strategy.

Download our FREE Hospitality Staffing Guide to answer these questions and more.