News / Employee Profiles, Hospitality Trends

HSS Profiles: Robert Lara on Working with Hospitality Clients

The team at HSS is made up of people with experience, compassion, and a drive for excellence at all levels of hospitality. Robert Lara as one of the key leaders at HSS. As an Area Vice President, Robert is on the frontlines, leading a team of 28 staff members and working with GMs and Regional Vice Presidents to get them through the current labor challenges facing the industry.

Video Link: Robert Lara on Working With Hospitality Clients


“Everyone needs people and we’re seeing a shortage of labor. That is the biggest thing. We’re collaboratively looking for solutions that make sense for the industry and for our clients.”

Like Robert, HSS collectively is working with its nationwide clients to strategize, plan, and execute a range of outsourced solutions that meet current needs while laying the smart groundwork for post-recovery success.

Robert notes that HSS is always looking for people with “that extra oomph” who have the drive and dedication to provide first-rate hospitality.

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